Did you know you can take a docker container and WSL it?
Easily Importing distros in to WSL
My quick and dirty notes on building deb backports
Tired of Googling and not doing this to enough to remember so here’s my notes:
Dealing with Exim 4.94 Taints
Starting with Exim 4.94 there’s some breaking changes; the docs say it the best:
Adventures with On-prem Kubernetes (Kubespray) with Ingress (ingress-nginx) and a Load Balancer (MetalLB)
Setting up a on-prem Kubernetes cluster with all the bells and whistles
Supporting Emoji (UTF8) Emails on Debian Exim
It’s 2020 so lets get some emoji in our email 😎
Elasticsearch: Shard Allocation Failed
Elasticsearch is great, can handle (data) node failures really well depending on your index settings, replication etc… mostly automagically!
Using Windows Integrated Authentication with VMware App Volumes
When installing App Volumes using a external MS SQL Server you are faced with the question of what authentication method to use, Integrated or SQL Server.
Jekyll: Dev'ing elsewhere & Publishing on GitHub Pages
This website is hosted and published using GitHub Pages but I do all the dev work on another server.
Hello World!
Welcome to my site/blog, don’t expect anything exciting here.